Create Azure Powerful RDP 1 Months validity | 200$ credit

how to fix azure not eligible, how to create azure rdp
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Is it Possible to FIX You Are Not Eligible on Azure?

If you guys create an Azure account and you repeatedly error you are not eligible then you guys read one post at all then you will understand completely how to do it but if you guys face any problem then you guys comment to me Then tell me what is the problem and yes, for this you will have to record the cut, those who do not reach without the card, if you have a debit card, then you can do it comfortably, how to do it, I will tell you in full detail. you guys watch full and yes can visit my youtube channel.

Ok look, if you guys get the error of you are not eligible, then, first of all, you guys do one thing, don't associate it with the device for a few days. clear all the data in as many browsers as you guys have. And if you use the internet from your mobile, if you create it on PC, then whatever mobile or pc you have, do not use that internet. But if it is not happening then you guys don't try for a few days it's okay because it happens not when you were an eye but if you do something like this then what do those people do, your IP on the blacklist that's why every time comes you are not eligible.

How To Create Azure 200$ Credit Free Trial?

If you want to create an account in Azure, then first of all you need a card, either you can go and do that, then if you do not have a card, you can visit You can also use this, you will also get a mobile card once so that you can easily create an account, but see why you have to do this, if you are from India, then you go to the play store and install the FI card. You can download Also download Jupiter and accounts are also created very quickly, if you are from outside, then you can create a virtual card by going to, this website is easy now, but the play store Fi Card is good you can use any international payment.

How To Create Azure Account?

First of all, go to this website, click on create an account and fill in all the details that are being asked for, the address etc. that is being asked for, then do the next and now you will be asked to give a credit card, then you will go to your FI card office. Even if you have a pass card, feel it there, when you give it, now you will be deducted some amount of charge, you will get it again through your card or it will be completed, after that, you will do it and it will take some time, you guys throw one away. Submit it and it will take a little bit of loading to see if you will get a message congratulating it means you have got you but if I get you guys, Your account has been created, now you guys want anything whatever you want, you can do everything below, you have got 200$, which you can use comfortably.

If you have any problem recording it then RR comes then you guys can mail me or you guys can also comment below this post and tell me I will try to answer you and tell you how to fix it too can do

Video Tutorials

Why am I not eligible for Azure?

"You are not eligible" error message on Azure can occur due to a variety of reasons. Here are some possible solutions to fix this error:

Verify your subscription: Make sure that you are using the correct subscription and that it is active and has not expired.

Check for resource limitations: Some Azure services have resource limitations. For example, the number of virtual machines that you can create in a subscription might be limited. Check the resource limits for the service that you are trying to use and make sure that you are not exceeding them.

Check for role-based access control (RBAC) restrictions: Azure uses RBAC to control access to resources. Make sure that you have the correct permissions to access the resource that you are trying to use.

Check for Azure Policy restrictions: Azure policies can be used to restrict certain actions on resources. Make sure that you are not violating any policies by trying to perform the action that is giving you the error.

Check for a region restriction: Some services are only available in certain regions. Make sure that you are trying to use the service in a supported region.

Check for Quotas restriction: Some services have Quotas, like a number of cores, storage, public IPs etc. Make sure that you are not exceeding the quotas for the service that you are trying to use.

Check the status of Azure services: Azure services may be down or undergoing maintenance. Check the Azure status page to see if there are any known issues that might be causing the error.

These are general solutions and the actual error message and cause may vary, it's recommended to check Azure documentation or reach out to Azure support for more specific troubleshooting.

About the Author

If you are interested RDP related and Mining content then you can Visit my YouTube Channel God Miner

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