Google Colab Mining SSH GPU Script Long Runtime

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In this post, I will tell you about how you can take a longtime run on Google Colab.
Before starting let me tell you in short what is Google Colab?

Its full name is "google Colaboratory" or people say "Colab" this is in short. Google Colaboratory is a free online cloud-based. Google Colaboratory Most of the work trains our machine learning and deep learning

Google Colab Mining SSH GPU Script Long Runtime
Goggle Colab Mining SSH Script 

Now I will tell you what work can I do in Google Colab 

As a programmer, you can perform all this

Free Cloud service with free GPU                             

Create/Upload/Share notebooks                               

Import/Publish notebooks from GitHub                 

Import/Save notebooks from/to Google Drive       

Integrate TensorFlow, OpenCV, Keras, PyTorch             

Write and execute code in Python                           

Import external datasets e.g. from Kaggle              

Document your code that supports mathematical equations

Now if you want to do mining then you have to follow this step.

For this, by clicking on the link given below, you will go to Google collab. 

Script - Google Cloab

Step 1 Now you have to connect the GPU then check which GPU you have got. If you can't get the Tesla T4 GPU you can watch the video by clicking on the link How to get Tesla T4 

Step 2 Now you run the second command, Now you have to ask for the Authentication code, you simply go to this website, NGROK, and click my authentication code and copy the Authentication code then enter.

If you got an error for the first time then try again next time it will be done. Now all you have to do is ssh and putty and any other than you simply download and open.

Step 3 When your ssh is created then click on simple Make Alive SSH CONNECTION.

Important steps*

When the ssh script is ready then copy your ssh and paste it, If you paste the password by clicking ctrl+v then it doesn't work on putty and ssh, click your mouse right button to paste the password and click the enter button.

Bonus Tricks 🤩

If you have 100 Gmail then you will be mining daily 10 Gmail then mining will stop all your Gmail 
Then you clear your browser data full (You will not do any other browser use Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. "browser doesn't matter but it's good for me" ) then close the browser then you do mining from next day again mining 10 Gmail. When all your Gmail is finished then do the same first 10 Gmail that you use back again. You don't mine the latest miner and If the pool you will use is not popular then you will get good runtime.

If you have any problem You can watch the video tutorial.

Video Tutorial

About the Author

If you are interested RDP related and Mining content then you can Visit my YouTube Channel God Miner

تعليقان (2)

  1. where is the script for mining
    1. See post green highlight "Google Colab"
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