How to mining on google Colab | Fix Whitelist antivirus

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In this post, I will talk about how you will do mining through the application.
You must have known that from a few days Google Colab when you start mining the salad application, you get the error of Whitelist Antivirus. So this post I will tell you step by step how will you solve this problem.
How to mining on google Colab | Fix Whitelist antivirus

Before solving, let me tell you, in short, about salad.

What is 

Salad Application Gives You Some Reward By Using Your Computer Power, What Salad Application Does Blockchain Technology Configure Ethereum Coin Mining On Your Computer Then It Gives You Some Rewards In Dollars ($).You can buy given on his website with that money like Gift Card, visa cards,  Games Subscriptions, and more.

You will know about, But my personal opinion talks about why I don't do use the Salad application. Because if you do direct mining then you will get more profit. And if you hold an ethereum coin then you can get more profit but not go through salad application.

how to Fix Whitelist Antivirus on Google Colab?

Look I tried a lot to disable antivirus but in Linux, I didn't find anything like this Whitelist, But you can easily do it in Windows operating system. But I find a way you can, First talk to you salad application does ethereum coin mining first and then rewards you.
what i will do now direct mining how ? will tell you let's go.

So for doing direct mining you need, You first download the salad application then click on the earn abhi aapko summary-mining-mining details 
show is doing.

Salad Application install processing 

Go to - Salad

sudo dpkg -i filename.deb

sudo apt --fix-broken install

Now you click on Mining Details then scroll down then click on Open Folders.

You are now on your file manager, Now you click on the logs folder.
Right now you have the main.logs file in front of you now open it on chrome and scroll down.

You can see your nicehash wallet address or user name or Ethereum wallet address or user name mining on google Colab

Now you download the miner like phonixminer, nbminer, lolMiner and More.

In this post I will tell you through lolminer, you can do it through any miner.

Miner install processing on Linux 

Go to - lolMiner

wget && tar -xf lolMiner_v1.42_Lin64.tar.gz && cd 1.42 

./lolMiner --algo ETHASH --pool asia1.ethermine.or g -u 0x6ff85749ffac2d3a36efa2bc916305433fa9373  1.na1mcwde9wnkp6y

start the miner Happy Mining 🙂

Now you will do mining, no problem will come and it will take 5-10 minutes to show the statistics in salad application. If something is not understand, you can also do it by watching my video.

So, that's it for today friends. Thank you keep supporting. 

Video Tutorial

About the Author

If you are interested RDP related and Mining content then you can Visit my YouTube Channel God Miner

تعليق واحد

  1. can we use the nicehash one ??
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