How to Make Money on Trading Daily 1-5K Earning 100% Risk free

Cryptocurrency,Make Money on Trading Daily ,trading trick,binance new earn method
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Hey, Guys today we will do later in this post, how can you earn money by trading?

Make Money on Trading Daily

What is Trading?

Trading is a basic economic concept essentially the exchange of goods and services between two entities.

Buying and selling with compensation paid by a buyer to a seller.

Today we will talk about Cryptocurrency Trading 

So let's know step by step how we can also make a profit by trading in cryptocurrency.

Step 1. If you Trade in cryptocurrency, you will need a crypto exchange wallet, you can download it from the link given below.

Step 2. First of all, you have to know what will you do trading In this blog, we will be trading in Tether USDT 

You simply have to buy when the rate is down to 77/76 INR and when it is UP 78 Rate, you have to sell.

Now you know everything 

Now you will say if I buy a rate of 77 Rate then sell 78 rates what will be the profit of 1 rs?

I will tell you how much profit will be made 

If you invest 2 Lakh Rupees So let me tell you how much profit will be.

200000÷77 Rate Buy = 2597.40$ Now you have Tether USDT Available.

Now you have sold at 78 rates and now see how much profit is there.

2597.40$×78 Rate Sell = 202597 RS

Now you can see Guys your 2597 RS Profit it's not bad guys

I suppose the rate is Down to 76 Rate, let's see how much profit will be.

200000÷76 Rate Buy = 2631.57$ Now you have Tether USDT Available.

2631.57$×78 Rate Sell = 205262.46 RS 

If you are a student then you can also do it with a small amount. 

Video Tutorial


About the Author

If you are interested RDP related and Mining content then you can Visit my YouTube Channel God Miner

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