how to create free windows 10 rdp vps with github

how to create free windows 10 rdp vps with github, create GitHub free rdp,free rdp
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Do you want to take your remote desktop experience to the next level? With GitHub, you can set up your own free Windows 10 RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) virtual private server (VPS) in just a few easy steps. Say goodbye to slow and unreliable connections and hello to a world of lightning-fast, secure remote desktop access. Join us as we guide you through the process of setting up your own VPS and configuring your remote desktop connection. Get ready to unleash the full potential of your remote desktop experience!

how to create free windows 10 rdp vps with github
windows 10 GitHub free rdp

If you're interested in trying out an enterprise-level software or service, you can typically sign up for a free trial by visiting the vendor's website. The process of signing up for a trial usually involves providing some basic information, such as your name and email address.

Regarding creating a repository, the steps would depend on which version control system you're using. Here are the steps to create a repository in GitHub:

  • Go to and sign up for an account if you don't already have one.

  • Once you've signed in, click on the "Repositories" tab and then click the "New" button.

  • Give your repository a name and description, then choose either a public or private repository. Public repositories are visible to anyone on GitHub, while private repositories are only visible to you and other users you invite.

  • Choose the "Initialize this repository with a README" option to create a README file for your repository.

  • Click the "Create repository" button to create your repository.

  • You can then use this repository to store files related to your enterprise software or service, such as configuration files, scripts, and documentation. To add files to your repository, you can use the GitHub web interface or use a Git client to clone the repository to your local machine and then push changes back to GitHub.

To create a free Windows 10 RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) Virtual Private Server (VPS) using GitHub, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install a virtual machine software on your computer, such as VirtualBox or VMware.

  • Download the latest Windows 10 ISO file from the Microsoft website.

  • Create a new virtual machine using the ISO file in the virtual machine software you installed.

  • Configure the virtual machine to meet the system requirements for Windows 10. This includes assigning enough memory, CPU, and disk space.
  • Install Windows 10 on the virtual machine.

  • Install the Remote Desktop Services role on the Windows 10 machine. This will allow you to connect to the machine remotely.

  • Create a new repository on GitHub and clone the repository to your local machine.

  • In the repository, create a script that will automate the installation and configuration of the Remote Desktop Services role. This script should be written in a language that is compatible with Windows, such as PowerShell.

  • Push the script to the GitHub repository.

  • Connect to your virtual machine using Remote Desktop and run the script. This will automatically install and configure the Remote Desktop Services role.

  • Once the script has completed, you should be able to connect to your Windows 10 VPS using Remote Desktop from any other computer.

Note: Keep in mind that while this method can allow you to create a free Windows 10 VPS, it may not be fully secure or reliable, and there may be limitations on its use, such as restrictions on the amount of memory, CPU, or disk space that can be used. Before using this method for sensitive or critical tasks, it is recommended to thoroughly test and evaluate the setup to ensure it meets your needs and requirements.

Video Tutorials

Here are some bonus tips to help you create a long-running Windows RDP on GitHub:

  1. Use a high-performance VPS provider: Choose a VPS provider that offers high-performance hardware, fast network speeds, and reliable uptime. This will ensure that your RDP connection runs smoothly and without interruption.
  2. Configure your firewall: Configure your firewall to allow incoming RDP connections and limit access to only trusted sources. This will help to secure your VPS and prevent unauthorized access.
  3. Use strong authentication: Use strong authentication methods, such as two-factor authentication, to secure your RDP connection. This will prevent unauthorized access to your VPS even if someone discovers your login credentials.
  4. Keep your operating system and software up to date: Regularly update your operating system and installed software to ensure that you have the latest security patches and bug fixes.
  5. Monitor your VPS: Use monitoring tools to keep an eye on the performance of your VPS and ensure that it remains up and running. You can use tools like Nagios or PRTG to monitor your VPS and receive notifications if there are any issues.
  6. Back up your data: Regularly back up your data to ensure that you don't lose any important files or configurations in the event of a failure or attack. You can use tools like rsync or Windows Backup to back up your data to a remote location.

By following these tips, you can create a long-running Windows RDP on GitHub that is fast, secure, and reliable.

About the Author

If you are interested RDP related and Mining content then you can Visit my YouTube Channel God Miner

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