Never use unminable pool mining scam || RDP user or pool user

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If you do mining with RDP then you have some small disease, And if you do mining on then this post will be helpful for you, and I will also tell you which pool will be best for you and get a daily payout. 

So look, today let me tell you clearly, what is doing to you, let me open the website first. ok so now i go to ethereum coin And if you used to do ethereum coin mining on unminable still it was fine but if you mined any other coin on, I will also tell you how much you lost.

I also used pool to mine on Unminable.con and still see on our Telegram members Mining on So thought that above it also made a post.

how much profit pool gives

First of all, I will check how much is the daily profit on Ethereum coin, then I will tell about the second coin as well. I will calculate the rig setup I got it 31 MH/S 

Never use
Never use mining scam | must read RDP user or pool user

As you can see having one hundred fifty three Rupees daily now how much monthly profit let's check it you can se monthly profit four thousand five hundred ninety-nine Rupees.

Never use mining scam

how much profit pool gives

You see how much profit is making 24hours, now I will tell you how much profit if  use pool And how do you get the daily payout by doing 2miners pool?

Now reed full post 2Miners pool don't start direct mining, you will not get your money then no profit wait first Reed or watch video.

First of all check how much daily profit if use pool You can see daily profit one hundred eighty one Rupees profit.

Now check it how much profit monthly gives you can  five thousand four hundred forteen Rupees monthly profit. pool profit monthly
Ethereum Mining profit calculator

Will share with you now how you can take daily payouts from pool

You know if you do ethereum coin mining on 2miner you will get 0.01 eth approx 3300 Rupees (43.42$)  then you will get payment

But guys if you mining on 2miners pool see payout 0.0005 eth mining will upprox 100 Rupees 

If you want daily payout without fees then you can also take payout from nano coin or bitcoin read more

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About the Author

If you are interested RDP related and Mining content then you can Visit my YouTube Channel God Miner

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